Friday, February 15, 2013

Time travelers

Today i desided to start blogging ... well whenever i get a chance i guess ...  I been thinking bout time traveling ...

What would u do if u had a time machine???
What would u change if u could change anything?
Prevent assassinations? Not do the thing that made u break up with your significant other? Prevent diseases? And I dont want to see the typical things like going forward in time to get the winning lottery numbers!!!!! Hahahahaha we all want that ....
Me ...might i add ... my time travel machine would go into the future, not just the past. Id never go more than three days into the future...... Id pick up the Paper, do some surfing at an on-line cafe, then go back to my present time and clean up in the stock market....
Id be careful not to do stuff before I was born.... It might mess with how my parents met... Maybe mom would have met a different guy and "POOF!!!" I disappear.....
Chaos theory / butterfly effect suggests that changing events more than a few years back would scramble present reality to the point where we would just have another awful world situation instead of the current one... Have u guys seen the butterfly effect ..the movies??
Each time he goes back in time tryna fix whats wrong and save his gfriend..the present is worse ... It would be hard not to worry about very clever people, governments, fellow time travellers, more advanced civilizaitons, and supernatural being just a little ahead of your game.... 

 What happens to ur current body when u travel back in time, and whos to say the person who steps out in the past carries the same consciousness as the one who went in???? And if you change the past does it have to be in a way that doesn't change the present or are u creating or traversing alternate universes in which the present is not fixed??? Hmmm just had me thinking .. What would u do if u had a time travel mashine ??
Imagine going back to watch Jesus feed the 5000 with loaves and fishes, heal the blind, walk on water, and bring Lazarus back to life. If u wanted a definitive answer to the question of a his existence then ud have it after that...... If there were no miracles, you could go back to your own time and reorder ur life accordingly...... However, if, as I believe, there is a God and Jesus is His Son, how incredible would it be to see Him in person? To hear His voice speak your name? What else could u possibly do in your life that could match that experience????? Hahahahahah im full of thoughts dis eavning ....
Another thing i was thinking about was have u ever wondered how hot Cleopatra was compared to women today???? Wouldnt u like to see for urself???? What would dinner with Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great be like????? What if u could talk philosophy with Socrates or Confucius???? Imagine convincing Michelangelo to do a painting for u or sitting in the audience as Ludwig van Beethoven plays...... How amazing would it be to talk about science with Einstein or psychology with Sigmund Freud? I relli want a time machine ... lol
Also if we are ever able to develop a workable theory for time travel we would open up the ability to create very complicated problems called paradoxes... A paradox is defined as something that contradicts itself........lets say, for the sake of argument, that u could travel back to a time before you were born. The mere fact that u could exist in a time before u were born creates a paradox. If you were born in 1960, how could you exist in 1955???

And if u were to travel back in time and kill one of your ancestors uve only killed that person in one universe, which is no longer the universe that you exist in. And if u then try to travel back to your own time u may end up in another parallel universe and never be able to get back to the universe yu started in.....The idea here is that every action causes the creation of a new universe, and that there are an infinite number of universes that exist.... If you killed your ancestor u created a new universe a universe that was identical to your own up until the time you changed the original events .... just like the movie butterfly effect ....
Interestingly Stephen Hawking once opposed the idea of time travel...... He even claimed he had evidence against it. If time travel existed, he said, then we would have been visited by tourists from the future. Since we see no tourists from the future, ergo: time travel is not possible. Because of the enormous amount of work done by theoretical physicists within the last 5 years or so, Hawking has since changed his mind, and now believes that time travel is possible ... but do we relli wanna see theese these tourists from the future???????
Thats all for today folks ...See u in the future/past ... maby ....