Monday, December 16, 2013

What is the Islam weak point? (Nr 1-7)

There are so many! I would like to share my thoughts and experiences with Muslims. 
For several months I have tried to reason with them about their religion, their prophet and the issue of Islam in the world. 
Here are a few topics I think are relevant...and I will post Nr 1 to 10 about that ...
First of all there is the issue of current events. 
Where Muslims dominate you have oppression, discrimination, lack of basic freedoms. 
I won’t do into details, all one needs to do is look at the TV and read newspapers, or better, follow things in the Internet. Islamic countries are among the most repressive, intolerant and undemocratic on the planet. 
Be aware of how they treat (or mistreat) their minorities and even sects of Islam. It isn’t a pretty picture. 
No wonder they want out. So they come to the West and …
Nr2 :
there is the issue of Muslim immigration. 
When Muslims move to the West in numbers, they take their hate and anger with them. Again, without going into details, all that is needed to follow current events (London, Paris, Sydney, Amsterdam,Sweden etc…). More on this below in Point 9.
Contrary to what Mr. Bush and Obama says..... Islam is not a religion of peace (unless they mean  “pieces” of bodies). 
There are so many evils that seem to be associated with Muslims – to name a few: honor killings, FGM - female genital mutilation, forced marriages, polygamy, slavery, wife beating, stonings, domestic abuse, beheadings, bombings, beatings, oppression of other religious groups, oppressions of women (in so many ways: dress, education, legal status, work opportunities, etc…), terror, racial and ethic discrimination, denial of opportunities, class privilege, and so on…. 
Don’t let anybody say these are “isolated” cultural practices, because they are not. 
They are much more widely practiced then Muslims want to admit. I recommend that you read blogs of people in Islamic countries. Speaking of Islamic countries, research about how Muslims treat minority groups and religions where they dominate. Look at the human rights situation in those nations.....
Most of all, Islam is characterized by: A. hate and anger, and B. denial. 
The hate and anger occurs at different levels, often it is subconscious and a product of a deep internal frustration and resentment. 
Because, by definition, Islam is perfect, they must place the blame elsewhere, and so, it is the Crusaders fault, the imperialists, Israel,. The Jews, America, Bush, Feminism, Liberalism, democracy, the corrupting influence of Western society, Hollywood, Bugs Bunny, racism, Christianity, and so on. 
You may not know it, but these all are waging war on Islam. Everybody is at fault but hardly ever Muslims and never Islam. On another level the hate is open; it is preached in the Quran, Hadiths, in Islamic literature, and by Imams in the Mosques....
 About hate and anger. Most of the troubles with Muslims can be traced directly to the Quran and Old Mo. Words like "So, fight them till all opposition ends and the only religion is Islam" (Koran8:39) and "Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow him are merciful to one another, but ruthless to unbelievers" (Koran 48:29) leave little room for doubt. 
Islamic terrorists are simply following the precepts of their prophet. They are practicing their understanding of Islam. 
Even if hate is not open and declared, it exists in the contempt and dislike for Western culture and its people.
And then you have things like this at Islam_Q: Please read what Muslims who live in the West are supposed to teach their children about their host countries:
"You should instill a hatred for this culture (the West) and its ways in the hearts of your children"

For a Muslim to admit that Islam is wrong, or that it contains deep dark aspects of hate, anger and intolerance - well that is not easy! Nobody wants to admit that their great hero is a low-life murderer and torturer, and takes 9 year old girls playing with dolls to his bed. For Muslims to be honest, they must be willing to make a sacrifice, and I mean a big sacrifice.
And I am not talking about hurt feelings, or even having to admit that they supported a belief and a man that espouse oppression and hate. It is much worse!
Often it means they must give up job, friends, worldly goods, social position and even family, or even their own life.....
About Mohammed. He was not a nice guy!
Quote: Mohammed says… “Why is it, O ‘A’isha (his 9 year old wife!) that you are out of breath? I said: There is nothing. He said: Tell me or the Subtle and the Aware would inform me. I said: Messenger of Allah, may my father and mother be ransom for you, and then I told him (the whole story). He said: Was it the darkness (of your shadow) that I saw in front of me? I said: Yes. He struck me on the chest which caused me pain……. ,” Muslim 4:2127.
Quote: Then the Prophet was informed by a shouter for help, he sent some men in their pursuit, and before the sun rose high, they were brought, and he had their hands and feet cut off.

Then he ordered for nails which were heated and passed over their eyes, and whey were left in the Harra (ie. rocky land). They asked for water, and nobody provided them with water till they died…”
Read verse 261 Yes, they were thieves, but….
Quote: “The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He said, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.” Bukhari Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301.
Quote : “The military expeditions (Ghazawat, literally raid) in which the Messenger personally participated were twenty-six. Some say there were twenty-seven.”

Tabari IX:118 “The armies and raiding parties sent by the Messenger of Allah between the time he came to Medina and his death (ten years) was forty-eight.” Tabari IX:115. The accounts tell of the plunder and taking slaves, of giving captured women to the Prophet’s men. The writer was especially proud of the raids where the caravans and villages were taken by surprise.
Quote: “And all married women are forbidden unto you save those captives whom your right hand possess (your slaves). It is a decree of Allah for you.” (The Koran, Muslim 4:24) Can anybody justify this????

There are dozens of verses that tell of unprovoked attacks, horrible torture (like building a fire on a man’s chest, for example), wife beatings, slavery, rape of married women, disrespect for women, murders for petty reasons (like the killing of Abu Afak, Asma bint Marwan and her 5 children by the prophet's men – do a Google on that!) and so on.. The list goes on and on. Notice the references and the links to Islamic sites. This is the man Muslims consider to be a “great” example. There are some great sites that expose the nefarious life of this man, such as “faithfreedom” and “prophet of doom.”
Debating with Muslims, you must refer to the hadiths.... They are the “traditions” of Mohammed and early Islam. From them one can get a good idea of how Islam is to be “practiced”. 
Do not let Muslims tell you they do not accept these accounts. The fact is that the Hadiths are accepted as sacred by almost all Muslims. Here are five quotes about the authority of these writings: “Both sources are indispensable; one cannot practice Islam without consulting both of them (Quran and Sunnah). Bukhari's collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet...”
“This thorough authentication process ensures that these accounts (the Hadiths) are real, validated narrations of the sayings, actions, and tacit approvals of the Prophet Muhammad.
“These (hadiths) are the real explanation, interpretation, and the living example of the Prophet (...) for teachings of the Qur'an.”
The Shareeah, which is embodied (in) the Quran and Sunnah, are the proclamations of Allah and His Messenger (...) is obligatory for every Muslim to obey any command that he hears from Allah or His Messenger (...), even if the command should go against his own desires, opinion or against popular opinion.
“To be a true Muslim, the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (...) must be followed. The sources of information about the Sunnah are found in Hadith...”

For many months I went to dozens of sites, I quoted the hadiths, I pointed out to Muslims these passages that described the evil acts by their dear prophet. I asked them to recognize and admit that the man was bad. Not one would do so. 
The best answer I got was that the passages were “problematic” (at 
Very often my postings were deleted, no matter how nice I tried to be. Muslims do not want to known about these things. I even asked tried to get Muslims, even if they do not accepts those accounts, just to tell me that if they understood what the verses said. I said something like this: “OK, you do not accept that Mohammed had people tortured, but at least tell me that if the text says that the men were brutally tortured” and “Do you agree that this hadiths says that Mohammed beat Alisha (his favorite wife) and she said that it caused her pain?”. I even asked one Muslims Just to type the words “The text appears to say that Mohammed had people tortured. No luck. No luck at all. 
I could not even get a single Muslims to tell me in plain words what the sentences said. Now that is denial! I am telling you this to that all of you will understand how hard it is to reason with a Muslim when it comes to their prophet and the Koran. Logic does not apply ....
I will give u number 7 to 10 tomorrow as I gotto go to bed and im strapped on time ....(gotto get up in 5 hours ) so until then ...tattaa ....

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