Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lucid Dream

Hello ...good eavning ... I just got home and its after midnight ...bed time... which made me thing of Lucid dreams ....
Lucid dreaming is awareness of the fact that you are dreaming.... and this awareness can range from very faint recognition of the fact ... to something as momentous as a broadening of awareness beyond what has ever been experienced even in waking life.
Lucid dreams usually occur while a person is in the middle of a regular dream and suddenly realizes that they are dreaming.... Once you realize this... you have the ability to control your dreams...which is pretty much the most essential part of lucid dreaming....
Lucid dreaming is helpful for people who frequently experience nightmares as it gives them a chance to take control of their dreams.... thats what I used to have for years and years ..once I learned how to control my dreams my world changed ... everything i see... feel.. taste... hear and smell can sometimes be as authentic as reality.....
With conscious control.... you can then explore your private dreamscape as if it were a virtual reality world.... Sounds cool???? You have no idea...
A fully lucid dream is rich and detailed .... sometimes with even greater awareness than you have right now... like 360-degree vision or existing in two places at the same time...
Because it all takes places in your mind... the dream world has no physical laws...
Anything you can conceive of comes true..... You can control your dreams and warp Matrix like Neo... fly over cities like Ironman.... slow down time Inception-style... have sex with anyone... fight like a ninja....In fact..... the possibilities of lucid dreaming are limitless...
The hit movie Inception has popularized lucid dreaming and given us new triggers for our night-time musings - from lucid dreams-within-dreams to working with subconsciously-driven dream figures....
The movie was written and directed by a real life lucid dreamer..... Chris Nolan...
Here is the trailer ... 
Often when im lucid,... i choose to exit the dream scene and find somewhere new to explore...
I like to summon up scenes of nature ...  step into them via a dream door or simply teleport there...
So when I go to bed I always say ...fasten ur bed belt cause u going for a ride ...he he ...gnite ..

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