Monday, March 31, 2014

Missing Malaysian plane

How can in 21st-century communication technology.. a large passenger jet simply vanish. Since every iPad and iPhone owner can get an app that allows them to trace their device if lost, it seems absurd that a 250-ton jet aircraft should be untraceable....

A jetliner with 239 people on board cannot simply “disappear” not least because the American secret services have made universal surveillance the...
order of the day....

Western intelligence services claim their satellites can read the newspaper held by anyone in any part of the world....
They claim they can track down any criminal and that the massive spending on security doesn’t hurt the freedom of the people, but actually saves them...we can all be tracked through our mobile phones and computers....

So were is the Jet? Did they simply hijacked the plane and landed on a secret airstrip ?? Did they kill the 200 some ppl onboard?? 
I simply wanna say this ... IF ...If the lithium batteries caused a fire and the plane exploded ..sank in the ocean ...why is their no bodies floating up on some beaches and why is there no trace of the plane .. it doesn't make sense .. 

I believe it was taken and that the passenger would b collateral damage...shot and buried in a mass grave ... but were ?? And why??? The world intelligence and technology cannot find the plane ... is there a government involved ?? Was there a very important person onboard that someone wanted for a special reason?? So many questions and so little answers .. surely there must b some Intel on this ...

The Russian and Chinese had the plane under "'surveillance' after it received a 'highly suspicious' cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where the cargo had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama." (Gasp!) So an American cargo ship, the Maersk Alabama, was off-loaded on the republic of Seychelles and put on the Malaysia airliner.

Now, "What first aroused Russia and ChiCom suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was that within 24-hours of off-loading this 'highly suspicious' cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under 'suspicious circumstances.'"
Both the Navy SEALs, "this report says, were employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEALs) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout the world...... There was a huge stash of lithium-ion batteries, the kind of batteries that are used in your cell phone and your iPad. I mean, a bunch of 'em, a major cargo load of lithium-ion batteries.... What else did the cargo hold ??
They say bouth of them died of a heart attack...and they found some heroin by their bodies or injection needles whitch they will analyse on Mauriciusotside south africa ..Now u ask ur self what the odds is that theese 2 died at exaccly the same time with exaccly the same illnes... What did they know? They got murdered and then it was coverd upso the truth never will surfes... There is some bigcoverup going on ..sombody have this plane and the people in it..
Malaysia's Prime Minister has announced that missing flight MH370 crashed in the southern Indian Ocean and there were no survivors ... Now im asking ...were is the evidence .. were is the dead bodies ..body parts floating in to the beaches .. were is the debree from the plane ???? The cushins the seats the interior is made out of plastic .. it floats .. were is clothing and other items from the plane .. this is some mother**kin bullshit ...
The government knows whats up ...

No less than 26 countries, 43 ships, 58 planes, the FBI, Interpol, and special services are all looking for the missing Boeing they say ...

The newspaper is slowing down with the coverage ... the people b more quiet ... and time ... time tend to make people forget ... they want people to let it go ... for one reason or another ... this is I belive something big ... and we will be left with conspiracy theories and guessing games and Bermuda triangle mystery of disappearing planes .... and people ...
Somebody got that plane .. in 2014 u can vanish like u were never born ...don't tell me in this age of technology that a plane with over 200 ppl can be missing ... that's some straight up bullshit ....