Friday, November 29, 2013

Aperently today friday was crazy

Meehhh I was gonna get some toe shoes so I went to the mall ..hahahahahaha not to bad but I found some clothes on old navy ..waited 1 hour to pay hahahahaha everything 50% off...    The rush for Black Friday bargains has resulted in outbreaks of violence as shoppers clash over reduced price goods...
A woman has apparently used a stun gun on a fellow shopper during a brutal punch up in the latest incident of Black Friday violence..
In one of the most violent incidents, a Las Vegas shopper was walking to an apartment complex after buying a big-screen television when a suspect approached him and fired a warning shot so that he dropped the device, news 8 reported.The thief allegedly took the television to a nearby vehicle where another suspect was waiting and, as he loaded it inside, the victim tried to get the gadget back...... The suspect then shot him in the leg ...
People r crazy ....some even camp outside the stores all night befor they open in the morning ...sleep outside the store ... hmmm looooongggg lines ..hahahahahaha im cool ...home and safe I thank God ..
I woke up right befor noon and just chillin down to the mall around 2 pm ... now im home gonna take a shower and have a beer ... im cool life is not that serious u go hurt ppl to get a par of jeans or a hoody ...get a life folks ... and chill life and laugh ...

I never got my toeshoes but will go somewere else to get em

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Kim Kardashian

Apperently a selfish and greedy Kim Kardashian has attempting to profiteer off the Philippines typhoon victims after it emerged that shes keeping 90 percent of the profits from her much-lauded Ebay charity sale to help those affected..... which was a big fat lie .... Even her own fans are shocked and have accused her of orchestrating the auction as a shameless publicity stunt.... Wait ....hold up ...she got fans????? Lmao ... really ??

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fukking drama at work uggghhh

Hmmm... Just woke up and gonna get ready for work ... don't really feel like going there but gotto make the money
I just found out that this shit job u got assholes working there ...informers and people that wish u harm and evil ... people complaining u didn't do this or that or coworkers that text the wanna be boss oooo Nina didn't fill up the lids for the soda... Oooohhh so u see we need lids for the soda in the store but u couldn't fill em up or remind me to fill em up dude???? U text the wanna be boss saying I didn't do it ???? Does it say my name that that's my job to do so ??? What kind of shit games are u guys playing for real???? this is not the fukking aprentis ...its not a job for Donald Trump its a fukking store dude ... I am totally sickend by the people I work with and from now on just gonna shut my trap and do my thing till I find another job ... im just so sick of these people ....Is it a competition of who is doing what while working??? hahahahahahhahahahah sorry ass miserable people that I work with ... but such is life okay now ... time to get ready for another shit day Love life ..laugh and don't let petty things affect u .... fukk the haters ...

Friday, November 22, 2013

i am gonna color my hair red tomorrow

This don't show the color just.... but I bought red hair color ...I go color my hair tomorrow ..I will post a pic hahahahaha ...gosh im scared ...lmao ...

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Virus buggs hackers crackers uggghhhhhh

Im slightly irritated on this crap laptop Milo. I cannot connect to Facebook ... lol Not that i will miss alot but still ... I think i got a bugg or something so im scaning Milo now to check it out .. it happend befor also ..dunno how i fixed it last time ... It basicly consider facebook as a malicious website ... hahahahahaha i know ...fbook is harmful or can be but seriously .. still gotto check it out u know ... 
My Kaspersky  antivirus just expired and i got some free stuff on here thats i guess worthless ... hmmm
Im gonna go mad if i cannot fix this SOON !!!! Spyware crap and crap Trojans and crap people making virus ... why?? for what??? I have a friend from Russia that graduated from computer science in Russia and they had to wright a virus to graduate ... theese folks is the one creating theese problems for normal folks .. and normal folks gotto pay big money to b protected and it sux...
I cussed him out bouth one or 2 times lol damn hackers crackers and gawwd knows what ... 
Anyhow .. dude always tell me ...i never pay for software ... and im like ok ooo show me ... lmao 
guess i gotto call him if my problems continue .. 
PROBLEM is im off work tomorrow so i do wanna chill on fbook for a minute .. 
Im lissening to pandora radio ... i loooove that station ... just chillin .. its after midnight already and im tryna find the bugg infesting my Milo ... Yeah i named my lappy to Milo he he ... anyways ...ta taaa until next time .. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lady Gaga going to space

Lady Gaga plans to go where no pop star has gone before..... According to Us Weekly she will become the first artist to sing in outer space......
The magazine reports that Mother Monster will leave Earths atmosphere in early 2015, by way of a Virgin Galactic ship... where she'll perform one of her many hits.
One source speaking to Us Weekly promises the show will be like nothing the world has seen before...
Gaga has also taken out a ridiculous life insurance policy just in case the launch goes all gravity on her ... he he
The singer will become the first ever-recording artist to perform outside the atmosphere, in zero gravity.....

The performer herself hinted at the news on her Twitter page today, simply tweeting the hashtag "#GagaInSpace2015."
I would never wanna go to space ... #JussSaying ....

Friday, November 1, 2013

He said WHAT????

This years Dumb award must be given to Nevada Assembly man Jim Wheeler who while talking to a group of republican earlier this year said that He would vote for slavery if that's what his constituents wanted ....
He has since apologized for the statement saying that his job is to carry out the wishes of the electorate....

Anotherone that should get the idiot award is CHER!!!!
That old cow said in a british Tv talkshow that her Las Vegas audience is very old .... and sometimes they have walkers and oxygen masks adding that it didn't make her feel good ... Vegas audience comes in all shapes and forms and ages Cher!!!!
And after all Cher is 67 years old .... what kind of audience does she expect????