Saturday, November 16, 2013

Virus buggs hackers crackers uggghhhhhh

Im slightly irritated on this crap laptop Milo. I cannot connect to Facebook ... lol Not that i will miss alot but still ... I think i got a bugg or something so im scaning Milo now to check it out .. it happend befor also ..dunno how i fixed it last time ... It basicly consider facebook as a malicious website ... hahahahahaha i know ...fbook is harmful or can be but seriously .. still gotto check it out u know ... 
My Kaspersky  antivirus just expired and i got some free stuff on here thats i guess worthless ... hmmm
Im gonna go mad if i cannot fix this SOON !!!! Spyware crap and crap Trojans and crap people making virus ... why?? for what??? I have a friend from Russia that graduated from computer science in Russia and they had to wright a virus to graduate ... theese folks is the one creating theese problems for normal folks .. and normal folks gotto pay big money to b protected and it sux...
I cussed him out bouth one or 2 times lol damn hackers crackers and gawwd knows what ... 
Anyhow .. dude always tell me ...i never pay for software ... and im like ok ooo show me ... lmao 
guess i gotto call him if my problems continue .. 
PROBLEM is im off work tomorrow so i do wanna chill on fbook for a minute .. 
Im lissening to pandora radio ... i loooove that station ... just chillin .. its after midnight already and im tryna find the bugg infesting my Milo ... Yeah i named my lappy to Milo he he ... anyways ...ta taaa until next time .. 

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