Friday, February 7, 2014

Freedom of speach on the internet

Free Speech on the net. I don’t think there is such a thing......
Everyone chooses up sides and decides which side of the issue they are on and as soon as they don’t like something the other camp says, they immediately try to shut them up, each side wrapped in their free speech cloaks....
It seems to me that, in theory, we want free speech for all on the net, but only for those that agree with us, and only for those we grant it to. We claim free speech, but it becomes a high-tech infantile arguement really, in which pretty much both sides end up saying,
“Shut up- you’re wrong!”
“No, YOU shut up, YOU’RE wrong.”
Ore a bunch of rules .....
Voila- there is no free speech......

We try to shut people up because we are doing the same thing we are acusing them of - stepping on our right to free speech......
Another thing- When you are warned that something is going to be offensive it loses the shock value........
Because I was warned in advance and I grant you free speech????

Do you think mob mentality plays a part in what you post on the internet????
Does what you post depend on what message room you are in????
Do you self censor in some places and not in others????
How is that free speech?

With Free speech comes rules, you can say whatever you want but be sure to face the consequences.... Speaking on the internet, on private forums and chat rooms is a privledge not a right...
Therefor it is no free speech on the internet as far as I can make out......
If there is/was , can we handle it?????


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