Friday, December 20, 2013

Superglue on the toilet seat

Seriously ...this woman enters Home depot and need to go to the restroom she sits down and cant get up....
Is this a viscous crime or a prank??? If so... if that would've been me... I would beat the shit of that person if I found out ...
So heres the story .. 
She goes to home depot ...goes to the restroom shes superglued to the toilet for like 20 min until someone looks for her ..then they use WD40 to free her while ppl film and watch here in the restroom were its done ...they don't take her to the hospital and I cannot even imagen the embarrassment of that situation ...  
Her skin disappeared apparently and need to heal and hopefully she will sue the shit out of Home depot ... watch the video and the story here :

There were men in there ..guys on break and others checking in to film on phone cams freakin embarrassing ..

I hope they catch the little bastard that did this ...regardless this woman will be rich suing the home depot ..

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