Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What is the Islam weak point? (Nr 7-10)

Muslims can ignore and explain away anything. There are no words to convey the extent to which Muslims will deny reality or use the most absurd excuses in their arguments that declare that “Islam means Peace” when the word means ‘submission’.....
Muslims can write “Under no circumstances is violence against women encouraged or allowed...
and on the same site they quote: “As to those women on whose part you fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next) do not share their beds, (and last) beat (tap) them (lightly)” http://www.isna.net/services/dv/imamcorner/. Just as bad, this is a distorted translation, even so some sites say this is a “safeguard” for women http://www.understanding-islam.com
(ex: the concept of slavery should be regarded as a concept of mercy, as the heinous crime of rejecting Allah demands immediate death, from http://www.islam.tc
Consider cases like this: http://www.muslim-canada.org  about how Muslims in Canada want the right to kill apostates/blasphemers under Islamic sharia law. Read this also: http://www.abc.net.au

http://www.understanding-islam.com/ very interesting...

About women. Muslims like to claim that Islam exalts women, even as they are required to wear blankets, stay home, not drive or enter the back door of mosques and share a segregated side room with other women during sermons...drive a motorcycle or ware makeup.... Remember, Muslim men are told to beat their wives (Surah 4.34), and Islam’s great prophet says women are deficient in intelligence http://www.usc.edu . I would like to refer to the UNs "Arab Human Development Report" (look it up on the Internet, please!), written by Arab experts about the discrimination and prejudice against women in the Arab (ie, Muslim) world.
It addresses the widening gaps in freedom, women's empowerment and knowledge in the Middle East.
According to altmuslim.com the number of mosques in the US that segregate women behind partitions or in backrooms has increased considerably.....

A good, honest source about the status of women under Islam is Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s blog at http://www.ayaanhirsiali.web-log.nl/ .

Rape especially is a something that seems to characterize Islam. We all know of events in Europe (do a Google search with terms like “Rape” “Muslims” “Europe” or substitute “rape” for “crime”. Australia, not to mention Coptic women abducted http://www.copts.net or hindu women taken for wives against their will .... 

http://web.mid-day.com  Domestic abuse is a very big problem is the Islamic community, much bigger than in Western societies.

Nr9First of all let me make clear that the massive immigration of Muslims to the West is a new phenomena that has only occurred in the last generation. Before that it was Europeans...... 
Prior to the 1960s when immigrants came from Muslim countries, it was mostly Christians escaping the evils and discrimination they suffered under Islam and Sharia....

Understand also that the rules have changed - 100 years ago a family would move and they had to integrate.....

Now with multiculturalism, welfare and technology, this is different. A group can live, work, or not work and live off the taxpayers money ....worship and even hate, and live side by side with another group....
When people praise past immigration they are talking about a world that no longer exists. It is like the generals planning for the last war. Things have changed, but the politicians and intellectuals don't know it.

Welfare now makes immigrants independent of work and responsibility.

Multiculturalism makes them immune from OFFICIAL criticism and discourages integration.
Modern technology means they can live in the West like they never left home (and even eat their favorite Pakistani dishes or watch their favorite Imam in Old Arabia on TV telling them to hate the infidels). It is a whole new world. The effects of globalism, new communication technology and mass migrations are so many and so deep that they are beyond any individual's understanding. This is a dangerous mixture one day and it will explode.


The fact is that things will get worse.
Muslims cannot integrate and live side by side (in numbers) with other people, and still be good Muslims.
Read the Quran and the hadiths. They are very clear as to the preferred relationship between Muslims and infidels.
When the number of Muslims reaches a certain level (the point of no return) they will start their jihad. (Note: jihad means Holy War 99% of the time; it only means ‘inner struggle’ when Muslims are explaining it to stupid infidels.
This distortion of reality in Islam is known as the doctrine of Al-taquiya - deception).
If fact, some consider immigration to be a low level jihad. 
First it will be just demands, then a little crime, then more demands, then fights, then a riot, then murders, and then more riots and finally full-scale war.
It will get ugly. I wish I could believe otherwise.
Yes there are good Muslims, but not enough to make a difference. Most of them are either indifferent and/or in denial, so the radicals will win, as they always do in Islamic societies. They, after all, practice the "pure" Islam and they have the Quran, the hadiths and especially the example of Mohammud on their side. All the moderates can do is make excuses and pretend this has nothing to do with Islam....
We must fight to our liberties.... especially the freedom of conscious and speech.
The ability to criticize Islam and Muslims (or anybody else) for what they say and do is part of the freedoms we hold dear, and for anybody (the media, government, speech codes, PC educators, etc…) to write this off as racism, hate speech, vilification or prejudice is to deny our right to express ourselves. If the facts are true, why the effort to silence those who speak out against the vile ideology of Islam? Take away the liberty of expression and you have nothing (as is the case in so many Islamic countries).As I have pointed out so often, Muslims cannot be honest about their religion and their dear prophet. To get along with Muslims and “respect” them, you must also be dishonest about these things. You must ignore the hate and anger in their writings and you must ignore the many vile acts and often vulgar life of Mohammed....

To get along with Muslims you must be willing to apply different (inferior) standards to their speech and conduct; and pretend that their faith, laws, customs and practices (particularly in Muslim dominated countries) are admirable and deserving of respect.
You must be willing to make excuses and accept generalized, gross violations of human rights as minor aberrations by a few insignificant individuals.
You must be willing to accept words and actions that, if practiced by individuals of western culture, would be resoundingly condemned in a minute.
This is a form of cultural racism in a way - a bigotry of low expectations and double standards if you wish.
This use of different standards for different people is the essence of multiculturalism.

Well actually, the basic ideology advocated by Multiculturalists is that Western culture is evil and everything else is great.
You may criticize any and everything about European heritage and history (fine with me!), but you must not only overlook the shortcomings and failures of other societies and not even talk about them, you must even go so far as to distort facts and ignore history to make them feel good (not a good idea!). That is Multiculturalism.

To continue under the current policy of a political correct multiculturalism is to add fuel to the fire.
In my opinion, forget banning headscarves or the hajib, the best we can do is be honest with Muslims about their religion.
Tell them the things they do not want to hear or even think about. Show them the verses from their scriptures that proclaim hate and anger to non-Muslims.
Show them the repulsive deeds performed by their prophet Mohammed - a man they consider to be a great "example".
Tell them you are offended! Demand that they explain these verses. Do not accept anything but absolute honesty.

This is the best way to deal with this issue. Even so, this may not be enough.
We cannot change Islam, only Muslims can do that, but they are in denial, so it will not change. Bad times are a-coming.

Radical Muslims kill, moderates make excuses.

We the Swedish people were descended from Vikings and other warriors..... What the hell happened over the years????

Recognizing Islam is accepting your own death warrant. Muhammad said kill the unbelievers. You are an unbeliever. If you recognize Islam, you are agreeing to be killed. Isn't that stupid? Muslims in Europe have gained too much power.
The more Muslims become powerful the weaker Europe becomes. Europeans must realize that Islam is not just another religion in their multi cultural religious rainbow but rather is their enemy.

Islam aims to destroy their culture, their democracy and take away their freedom. They must realize that Muslims are not going to integrate in their countries but rather want to swallow them.
If the Europeans do not wake up soon and do not start deporting the Islamists en masse and denouncing Islam as their enemy, they will be annihilated sooner than they can think. The threat of Islam today, is much greater than the threat of Nazism during the 1930s. Failure to address this threat will result in a war more devastating than the Second World War.

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