Monday, December 30, 2013

The dollars predicts the end of the world

What do you see in this symbol?
Of course is the main instrument that rules current word and its economies, our lives are directly affected being impacted negatively or positively by its existence.
We need it because it gives stability to our lives, it makes us happy allowing us to buy food and items, it can even buy fake love.
We can go out living in the streets if we don't have it.
But what truly is it showing? What is this symbol represents?

It is the mythological sign of primordial sin...
The disobedience from truth and God. The sin we all committed every day!
The sin that gets us away of God by making us loving everything that is material. And the king of all currencies...
Look at this ..
The new $100 bill predicts the end of the world..

1 comment:

  1. nukes go hit lake mead ...I gotto get out of this town its go hit NY ... repent ppl ask God for forgiveness for ur sins
