Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Second Amendment

The Second Ammendment SUCKS My friend told me earlier today when we discussed the gun law ... , he knows I have a Colt Python 357 magnum with 8 3/8ts inch barrel ,a taurus 357 magnum 2 inch barrel and a 12 gauge shotgun....
For all those people who didn’t pay attention in U.S History class,ore dont know ....this is the right to carry arms.
His argument was ass follows:
Even in light of all of the terrorism this country would be a whole lot safer if people didn’t have the right to carry guns....
I’ve been to countries he said where people don’t have the right to carry guns and people, its peace of mind knowing that the guy you pass on the street can blow you away if he feels like it. (Im from Sweden so I know too)
Statistics he says that you are much MUCH more likely to shoot one of your own FAMILY MEMBERS than the burglar or murderer that you fear..... he say’s it’s something like 8 in 10 chances that you shoot someone you love rather than the criminal..... so why bother having a gun if you are only going to hurt the people you are trying to protect?
That amendment was written back when there were no police to protect the civilians, so you were pretty much on your own to provide protection for your family. last time i checked, every city, town, village, whatever has its own police force........
First of all, if guns are outlawed only the criminals will have guns............ When a criminal has the fear that I’m gonna pull a gun and blow his brains out, he will think twice. ............
To better illustrate this, look at the UK and Australia who have restricted gun ownership greatly. What has happened?: An increase in violent crime, more “kick-in” burglaries, and an overall feeling of insecurity.......
Why should we punish over 99% of people who use guns correctly? Outlawing firearms has proved itself futile.....
2’nd nobody can blow you away if they feel like it because then thats murder one....
That person is then observed by all the other people around and then that guy is basicly target practice for the cops. I think your reletivly safe, not everyone owns guns and they are ususally used to keep burglers out. ........
And I love to go target shooting .......
let’s remember this though...i would rather have a gun and not need it, than need it and not have it!
More gun laws won’t do anything except help criminals.
They don’t get their guns thru legal means, so the only ones gun laws hurt are law abiding citizens. Responsible gun owners know how to secure their guns and ammo and are smart enough to teach their children about gun safety.
There are more people killed in automobile accidents every year than with firearms ... then we should outlaw cars too.......
Also, many people use guns legally; for hunting and sport shooting.
I can stab people in the eye with a fork, but doesnt mean i am going to. Why outlaw forks? it’s be stupid.............
What people cannot seem to understand is that guns are INANIMATE objects.
They have no want, need, or desire to do harm.
It is the will, and the ignorance, of man that is responsible for the deaths and injuries that are caused by guns.
The gun is a tool, same as a car, whip, baseball bat or feather duster. It is not the object that is bad ... it is the *twit* pulling the trigger.
What do you think??
Do you like your freedom? all the many things you can do as an american?Well i do, and the right to carry a gun is only one of the many freedoms i enjoy....
The right to carry guns is not the root af all our criminal problems!
even if the second amendment was excluded.... crime, and terrorism would still happen...people still would be strangled...still be stabbed with knifes .....still make bombs.....
According to Federal statistics, something like 2,000,000 crimes are prevented or stopped each year by private citizens and their guns.
If you think back on mass shootings in our history, just remember that one law-abiding citizen in those public venues carrying a weapon could have put an early end to those rampages.
MYTH: “Mass shootings by crazy ‘gunmen’ are a serious threat to society, and a cause to worry for everyone.”
FACT: Mass shootings where psychopaths shoot total strangers are actually rare, and only account for about 60 to 90 total deaths per year.
Considering that the population of the U.S. is about 260 million, your chances of dying in one of these shootings are extremely small.
If you include disgruntled employees shooting co-workers, then the total increases to about 200 per year; (still an extremely small risk). . (Sources: Libernet Press, & Boston Globe.)
Also, these shootings would all have had very different results if JUST ONE of those victims had been allowed to carry a gun for self defense. Many lives could have been SAVED.
First of all, making firearms illegal doesn’t take guns out of criminals hands... do you think they get them legally now?
Banning guns, is just a step toward restrictions.
It’s a small step exactly where Big Brother wants you to go. It’s naiive to think that getting rid of guns will erase crime - people are criminals, a gun is just a tool.
I don’t know what to tell ya, if you don’t like guns ..dont get one......
and more..... It is the constitutional rights of the AMERICAN citizens!

I see the negative point in it too i come from sweden....but crimes wont dissapear if gun dissapear....It would rather bennefit criminals........
Again I say that accident will always happen
but responsible gun owners know how to secure their guns and ammo and are smart enough to teach their children about gun safety....

FACT are: These statistics on “child” gun deaths are exaggerated by including young adult criminals, often up to 18, and sometimes up to 24 years old......
So these “child gun death” statistics include young adult drug dealers killing each other in turf battles.
The deaths are not nearly as tragic as a truly innocent young child being killed, (which is what most people think of when you say “child gun deaths”. Any other use of that phrase is very misleading.
The truth is, the number of American kids aged 0 to 15 killed with guns is about 950 each year.....
Guns are involved in less than half of one percent of all child deaths!

Also, the “gun death” statistics quoted by the anti self defense lobby include all deaths from guns.
So they include gun deaths that are actually justified; as when a citizen or officer shoots a criminal who is trying to rob, rape or murder................
Finally, the anti-gun “statistics” always fail to mention the many times guns are used to prevent crime and save lives.
(Sources for those who wants to check it out : National Center for Health Statistics, Advanced Data From Vital and Health Statistics, No. 231. New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 270: page2207)

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