Tuesday, December 17, 2013

what to do about islam if i was in power

Most of what I would do is already being done by the government of Denmark:

1.) End immigration from Muslim countries.

2.) Enact laws such as were done in Denmark to eliminate the abuse of family reunification laws. These laws apply to everyone BTW, not just Muslims.

3.) Deport illegal aliens, as well as any legal aliens who have committed a crime. (Again, applies to everyone, not just Muslims.)

4.) End welfare payments and encourage work.

5.) Try to encourage disbursement of immigrants into the population at large rather than allow them to ghettize. This will aid assimilation.

6.) Refuse any kind of special pleading or special exemptions for Muslims that go against the secular nature of our society. For instance, companies and public buildings should not be forced to build prayer rooms for Muslims (or for anyone else, for that matter.)

7.) Absolutely stand up for our Western values such as freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Again, Denmark is the exemplar in Anders Fogh Rasmussen's response to the Muslim ambassadors who tried to twist his arm over the matter of the mildly insulting Danish cartoons published in a newspaper.

8.) End the poisonous multi-culti, PC and Western-self-loathing ideology that is continually pumped into our societies by academia, the media, NGOs and "intellectuals".

We are told constantly by our elites that we live in the worst civilization in the world, when in fact we live in the best one (and that includes the best one for minorities too...
Absolutely refuse to give an inch on any value we hold dear, no matter how "insulting" it is to our Islamic brothers.

9. Encourage Muslims to convert to other religions by supporting missionary activities.

10. Stop trying to stifle the debate about how Islam is affecting our communities. Covering up evidence of Muslim wrong-doing in our communities, such as the government covering up rapes in Sweden or the refusal of the French media to report how many cars have been "car-bequed", for fear of causing "racism," only makes matters worse.

11. End the nonsense of "celebrating our differences", diversity coordinators, and all the other bullshit that has been shoved down our throats by the leftist cultural warriors for years. It hasn't accomplished a multi-culti paradise; it's done exactly the opposite, making people more suspicious of other ethnic groups and more resentful of them. We should be celebrating our samenesses, not our differences. I despise Måna Salin with passion ..she is a trator to our country ...

12. Realize that Islam is a political system as well as a religion, and treat it as such when it makes political demands on our societies.

I don't support banning mosques or Islamic books, but I do support very strongly banning any type of special favor or special pleading for Muslims just because they have so many, many special demands and needs and accommodations. For us to give them their "complete way of life" means that WE don't get to have OUR complete way of life.

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