Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Feeding the world...or corrupt goverments?

I was solicited on the phone the other day to donate money to help feed hungry children in Africa and other parts of the world. So I asked a few questions (Remember... question EVERYTHING).
I said “It seems like we’ve been feeding hungry children for a long time now. Is anybody doing anyhting to try and stop this cycle of having children you can’t feed.... like.. oh, I don’t know.... maybe giving them BIRTH CONTROL!” And his answer was... “That would be against our religious teachings.”
I said “You fuckin MORON!” and hung up. ANYONE who can’t afford to care for a child should not have the privelege (yes, I said privelege) of having one...

If you take money from the state or a charity to support your family, then birth control should be MANDATORY.

I seriously dont give money to charity for the sole perpose that it doesnt go to were it is needed most of the time....
For ex...Redcross went out and wanted people to donate money for the 9-11 victims....many millions was donated....when it was time toi pay up...they said that they are keeping the money for future catostrafies.....and people got furious.....so red cross said...those who have donated can have their money back....

To donate money like for ex.Sweden and other country ...the list goes as follow ...

  1.  United States – $30.46 billion
  2.  United Kingdom – $13.66 billion
  3.  Germany – $13.11 billion
  4.  France – $12.00 billion
  5.  Japan – $10.49 billion
  6.  Canada – $5.68 billion
  7.  Netherlands – $5.52 billion
  8.  Australia – $5.44 billion
  9.  Sweden – $5.24 billion
  10.  Norway – $4.75 billion
  11.   Switzerland – $3.02 billion
  12.  Denmark – $2.72 billion
  13.  Italy – $2.64 billion
  14.  Belgium – $2.30 billion
  15.  Spain – $1.95 billion
  16.  South Korea – $1.55 billion
  17.  Finland – $1.32 billion
  18.  Austria – $1.11 billion
  19.  Ireland – $0.81 billion
  20.  Portugal – $0.57 billion
  21.  New Zealand – $0.46 billion
  22.  Luxembourg – $0.43 billion
  23.  Greece – $0.32 billion
And we cant feed the world??? Were is all this money going really??????


1 comment:

  1. also a thought ...were is Oman and Saudi Arabia and other countries that got all the oil ..they don't donate??/
