Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sweden is a country that is dissapearing

Sweden is an interesting — and frightening — example of Political Correctness and self-loathing and can as such serve as a warning to others....
Too many Swedes still cling on to the myth of the “Swedish model” while their country is disintegrating.

If Sweden the nation is to be saved — if it still can be saved, I’m not so sure — then Sweden the ideological beacon for mankind must be smashed, because vanity now blocks sanity.....

Sweden alone in 2006 accepted almost as many asylum applications from Iraqis as all other European countries did combined.
Native Swedes, who live in a country which was one of the most ethnically homogeneous nations in the world only 30 years ago, will be a minority in their own country within a few decades if current trends continue.
Sweden is self-destructing at a pace which is unprecedented in history (although other Western nations are trying hard to beat them to it), but for the extreme Left, even this isn’t fast enough..... somewhere I read that we will be a minority year 2056 already ... 

I have seen a TV program from the city of Malmö, the third-largest in Sweden, where a veiled Muslim girl told how much she loved it there; it was just like some Arab city. A large proportion of the incoming Iraqis have settled in Södertälje, which vies with the soon-to-be majority Muslim Malmö as the town with the highest percentage of social welfare recipients.
However, in Södertälje there is a much larger amount of Assyrian Christians. Interestingly enough, the native population are still harassed by immigrant gangs. This demonstrates that sometimes this is not about Jihad; it’s about racist violence against the white population by various immigrant groups from developing countries. Consequently, the only way to stop this is to halt or severely limit all mass immigration, not just Muslim immigration.

A report from organization Save the Children told that Swedish girls are scared of being raped, a possibility that appears very real to them. A survey carried out among ninth-grade boys in the immigrant-dominated suburb of Rinkeby showed that in the last year, 17% of the boys had forced someone to have sex, 31% had hurt someone so badly that the victim required medical care, and 24% had committed burglary or broken into a car.

Sensational statistics, but they appear to have been published only in a daily newssheet that is distributed free on the subways.

“It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl,” says Hamid, in an interview about a gang rape involving a Swedish girl and immigrant perps.
 “The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably f**ked before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family.
For her, being raped is a source of shame. It is important that she retains her virginity….It is far too easy to get a Swedish whore…girl, I mean;” says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words. “I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get f**ked to pieces.”

In an article from June 2007 with the title “Summertime — rape time,” Aftonbladet, one of the largest dailies in Scandinavia, linked the spike in rapes during the summer to the warm weather.
The official number of rape charges in Sweden has more than quadrupled during one generation, even more for girls under the age of 15.
If this is due to the warm weather, I suppose the Scandinavian rape wave is caused by global warming?????
The fact that a greatly disproportionate number of the suspects have an immigrant background according to statistics from neighboring Norway and Denmark is purely coincidental, no doubt......ööhhhhhhh for real???
These are the explanations that are mentioned. There is no other. Suggesting that it has something to do with mass immigration of alien and aggressive cultures is quite literally banned by law........
Dahn Pettersson, a local politician, has been fined 18,000 kronor for writing that 95 percent of all heroin brought in comes via Albanians from Kosovo. “It is never ethnic groups that commit crimes. It is individuals or groups of individuals,” prosecutor Mats Svensson told the court, which found Pettersson guilty of “Agitation Against a Minority Group.” Svante Nycander, former editor of daily Dagens Nyheter, stated that “the ruling in Malmö District Court is damaging to freedom of expression. Many will take it as proof that the authorities are afraid of uncomfortable truths, and that lacking reasoned counter-arguments they punish those who speak plainly.” In Sweden, saying that Muslim Albanians are behind much of the drug traffic in Europe (a fact) is a crime. Making derogatory statements about the native population, however, is just fine.
No prize for guessing who is protected and who is not....

Needless to say, Swedish laws prohibiting "hate speech" against racial minorities have been vigorously enforced. There have, for example, been a number of gang-rapes of Swedish women by Muslim immigrants......Swedes must be careful what they say about them...
On May 25, neo-Nazi Bjorn Bjorkqvist was convicted and sentenced to two months in prison for writing, "I don't think I am alone in feeling sick when reading about how Swedish girls are raped by immigrant hordes." ["Jag tror inte jag är ensam om att må dåligt när jag läser om hur svenska tjejer har våldtagits av invandrarhorder"]
If you protest against Muslim immigration, you suffer from Islamophobia, which is almost the same as xenophobia, which is almost the same as racism. And racists are almost Fascists and Nazis, as we all know, and they shouldn't be allowed to voice their opinions in public.
Hence, if you protest against being assaulted or raped by Muslims, you are evil and need to be silenced.
If a native Swede is really lucky, he or she will thus first get mugged or battered by Muslims, and then beaten up a second time by his own extreme Leftists for objecting to being beaten the first time.
The state does next to nothing to prevent either, of course. Native Swedes who object to a mass immigration that will render them a minority in their own country within a couple of generations have already been classified as "racists," and racists are for all practical purposes outside of the protection of the law.....

Sweden has absolutely no public debate about mass immigration, yet the natives are victims of an unprecedented wave of violence...
Swedes pay famously high tax rates..... Yes, they do.... But tens of billions of kronor are spent on propping up rapidly growing communities of immigrants.
Sweden has become the entire world’s welfare office and its celebrated welfare state the world’s largest pyramid scheme, an Enron with a national flag.
The Danish People’s Party have suggested that Denmark should limit the right to settle in other Nordic countries and claim benefits because they fear that the Swedish welfare state could break down due to immigration, triggering a flood of welfare tourists to neighboring countries....

Parallel with mass immigration from Third World countries, more people are leaving Sweden than at any time since the late 19th century. This trend is similar to that of the Netherlands, Germany, Britain and other countries where well-educated natives leave while they are being displaced by immigrants from developing countries. This policy of population replacement clearly cannot be economically beneficial to the countries in question. It is difficult to see any other logic behind this policy than a desire to crush existing Western nation states by all means necessary.
In the 19th century Swedes left because of poverty. In the 21st they leave because their country is systematically being taken away from them by their own authorities.
Doesn’t this mean that the Swedish state and its elites are indirectly responsible for driving their own people away from their homes?
I think it does, and I think future generations will view this policy as an example of pure evil.
I also think they will find it difficult to understand how those who are vilified could in this case be the majority population, not a minority.
There are several reasons for this, but I find it hard to believe whether this would have been possible without the incessant demonization of people of European origins and their culture that has become an established part of the mainstream ideology in many countries.....
In Sweden, you cannot say that certain ethnic groups are more involved in crime than others. That’s hateful and banned by law. But you can say that all men are animals, and you will get state support for doing so. You can also belittle the traditional culture of the natives. This is not just allowed but encouraged. As mentioned before, the “conservative” Prime Minister Reinfeldt has stated that the native culture was merely barbarism and that everything good has been imported from abroad. Had a public figure said something similar about the culture of an immigrant group, he or she would have had to resign immediately and most likely would have faced a trial for hate speech and racism.

It should be viewed as a crime for the native white population not to assist in wiping themselves out from the lands where their ancestors have lived since prehistoric times. The state is turned into a committed enemy of the very people it was supposed to serve and protect. Swedes pay some of the highest tax rates in the world, and for this they get runaway crime rates and a government that is actively hostile to their interests.

Mona Sahlin has held various posts in Social Democratic cabinets, among others as Minister for Democracy, Integration and Gender Equality. Sahlin has said that many Swedes are envious of immigrants because they, unlike the Swedes, have a culture, a history, something which ties them together. Notice how Swedish authorities first formally state that Swedes don’t have a history or culture, and then proceed to lament the fact that Swedes don’t have a history or culture. A neat trick: First you break down the traditional values of your nation; then you proclaim that it needs to import values from abroad because it doesn’t have any......

Sahlin has stated that “If two equally qualified persons apply for a job at a workplace with few immigrants, the one called Muhammad should get the job….It should be considered an asset to have an ethnic background different from the Swedish one.” This is another way of saying that the natives according to Multicultural doctrines are second-rate citizens of their own country....
I dunno what to say ....

Maby it is Americas responsibility to save the Europeans AGAIN from their own inability or unwillingness to save themselves from sure disaster..... Europe have been saved twice and spat at America for our efforts....

Americans will have to come in to do house-to-house urban combat and thoroughly defeat the Islamic fascists and minions of Moslem supporters.

Another campaign in the American War on Terror .... It will be the Americans who liberate Europe from the occupiers once again.......
                 Nina . 

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